#PHOTOS: Central Regional delegates elect new Regional NASPA Executives. | SintimBlog™.

#PHOTOS: Central Regional delegates elect new Regional NASPA Executives. | SintimBlog™. 

By: Bismark Botchwey 
February 1, 2018.

New Central Regional NASPA Executives 

The National Service Personnel Association (NASPA) under the auspices of the National Service Scheme conducts  its elections annually to elect new executives to serve at the District, Regional and National level. 
All elected District Executives from the eighteen (18) Districts in the Central Region who serve as delegates met yesterday at Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly for its congress and election of new Regional Executives. 
The Portfolios which were opened for nominations include; the President, Vice President, General Secretary, Financial Secretary, Organizing Secretary and the Women's Commissioner as enshrined in the NASPA Constitution.
The elections which was scheduled to take place from 8:00 am to 12:00pm, started around 11:30 pm to 5:00pm. 
It was Co-Chaired by the Regional Director in the person of Rev. Kwame Adjei and Mr. Daniel Dawosu, the Regional Administrator. 
The election was observed by the outgoing executives and directors of the various districts.
 The coordinators of the election were Mr. Wonder Tortor and Nana Kwame Amakye Ex president and General Secretary respectively. 

The Aspirants of the various portfolios are as follows

1. Amissah Bernard (Nana A)
2. Nicholas Essel Sekyi 
3. Theophilus Sosu
4. Zowonu Worlanyo 

1. Evans Asante
2. Daniel Adjei

1. Desmond Ofori Oppong
2. Bonaventure Abeka Willienvans

1. Fredrick Nyarkoh
2. Godfred Tetteh

1. Paa Kwabena Peprah 
2. Perry Nii Gardner 

1. Joyce Ohenewaa Kwapong
2. Jennifer Ankomah

The total number of delegates expected for the election were 108. Out of the 108 delegates, the total vote cast was 85. Out of the total vote cast, below are the results of the various  portfolios. 

2. Jennifer Ankomah won with  57 Votes representing 67.1%
1. Joyce Ohenewaa Kwapong  had 28 Votes representing 32.9% 

1. Paa Kwabea Peprah won with 56 votes representing 65.9%
2. Perry Nii Gardner had 29 votes representing 34.1% 

2. Godfred Tetteh won with 52 votes representing 61.2% 
1. Fredrick Nyarkoh had 33 votes representing 38.8%

1. Desmond Ofori Oppong won with 52 votes representing 61.2%
2. Bonaventure Abeka Willievans had 33 votes representing 38.8%

1. Evans Asante won with 51 votes representing 60%
2. Daniel Adjei  had 34 votes representing 40%

1. Mr. Nicholas Essel Sekyi won with 43 votes representing 50.6%
2. Amissah Bernard (Nana A) had 25 votes representing 29.4%
3. Theophilus Sosu had 13 votes representing  15.3% 
4. Zowuno Worlanyo lost by having 4 votes representing 4.7%

At the end of the elections, it was realized that, for the first time in the history of NASPA Central Regional elections, the new Regional executives elected into office are executives from different districts thus the Agona East, Agona West, Gomoa East, Assin North and Assin South and Ajumako Districts. 
This became possible as a result of a strong alliance formed by seven 7 districts and headed by Mr Nicholas Essel, Agona East NASPA President with the aim to end the chain of Cape Coast Metro executives who had  doubled up as Regional executives for decades. Due to this, developmental projects are only concentrated in the Metropolis neglecting the other 17 Municipal and District Assemblies. 

SintimBlog™ presents to you the new Central Regional Executives for the 2017/2018 service year. 

Mr. Nicholas Essel Sekyi 

Evans Asante

Desmond Ofori Oppong

Godfred Tetteh

Paa Kwabena Peprah 

Jennifer Ankomah 

The Regional Director gave an excellent closing remarks where he commended the delegates for comporting themselves well and ensuring a transparent election and a smooth transfer of power to the new administration. He encouraged those who lost to never sleep on their good policies but to work together with the new administration to help ensure change and develop and promote welfare of Service personnel in Central Region. He also expressed his concern that, he looks forward to have the National  President in Central Region.

<<<Election Result list compiled by Bismark Botchwey. Editor ©SintimBlog>>>


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