By Zowonu Worlanyo
May 20,  2018

Zowonu is Worlanyo 

No one can take away your right to think independently or freely.
But your right to express such a thought freely can be taken away from you.
It is no significant feat to make the claim that you are thinking freely.

If you express a thought and receive a reaction you don’t approve of is no indication that ppl want to take away your right to think freely or independently. Obviously, they can’t.

People will disagree with you, that is no indication that they don’t approve of free thought or your freedom of expression.

When someone expresses disagreement to your claim, your best defense is to tackle the substance of their disagreement. To make reference to your freedom of expression as defense is indication that you have realized that a flaw in your initial statement has been exposed by the disagreement and since you can’t admit to it you create the notion that the person disagreeing with you is taking away your freedom of expression by merely disagreeing with you.

Do not assume or allege that people don’t think freely because they disagree with your expression of your free-thought. Thinking that way is an indication that your freedom of thought should define another’s freedom of thought. You can’t have expectations or dictate how people should react to your expression of a thought you produced freely/independently.

When someone wants to disengage with you because of whatever reason best known to them, be informed that this action is also a form of expression.

It is encouraged that you think outside a supposed box. I prefer thinking without a box, but, by merely going contrary to a generally accepted idea is no sure indication that your counter-idea is superior.

It is sometimes ego soothing and addicting to appear as the different one. It is advisable that  you assess your opinions from this perspective too. People get high off so many things including being always noted as the dissenter.

Whatever you think of, what triggered or informed it, how you think of it, the lens you see it through, the perspective(s) you sieve it through and the evidence you use to corroborate it all contribute to make your thought a superior one or otherwise. But one thing remains your freedom in what constitutes the process in producing thought.

After production of thought comes expression. Thought can be expressed in various ways. This includes choosing not to share a thought. Example, in your mind you have produced an opinion on an issue but for reasons best know to you, you refuse to share it. You have expressed your unwillingness to share. 😃.



  1. "I think- therefore I am."
    But brain dead people also feel that they are thinking👀😉


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