#Exclusive: Allen Obeng Asare wins National NASPA Presidential elections. | ©SintimBlog™

#Exclusive: Allen Obeng Asare wins National NASPA Presidential elections. | ©SintimBlog

By Admin
April 20, 2018
Allen Okyere Asare 

The annual Ghana National Service Personnel Association, NASPA  Terminal Congress came off at Cape Coast. The congress which started on Wednesday, 18th April and ended today with an election of national officers witnessed the election of Mr. Allen Obeng Asare, the former Greater Accra Regional Naspa president as National NASPA President.
He had a total vote of 24, out of 60 delegate votes;  beating his close contender  Abdul Razak Masawood who polled 19.
Other elected national executives for 2018/2019 service year include:  Mr. Abinye Abdul Azziz as secretary, Mr Jacob Yeboah Boamah as financial secretary, Mr. Charles Dokyi Addo as organizer and Ms. Dzidedi Adoboe as women commissioner.
There were a total of 15 contestant: President (5), General Secretary (2), Financial Secretary (2), Organizer (2) and Women Commissioner (4) respectively.
The vetting board chaired by Mr. Ambrose, formerly the PRO of National Service Scheme but  now the Volta Regional Director as far as National Service Scheme is concern.
The occasion was nearly marred by pockets of agitations due to the absent of Mr. Philip Queye, the outgoing National NASPA President.
It took the timely intervention of Mr Ambrose; the vetting board chair to calm nerves for preceding to continue. This however was at the blind side of one of the chiefly adhered  provisions in the NASPA constitution which sanctioned the reading of final audit report or financial statement.
Meanwhile, Mr. Philip Queye mysteriously showed up to duly swore in elected executives for 2018/2019 service year.


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